

2016年5月17日- 10月21日, Toptal 推出了 STEM女性奖学金, a program designed to empower and support the next generation of female computer scientists, 软件工程师, and developers through a combination of financial support and mentorship.

Today, we are thrilled to announce the fifth winner of the scholarship, Rachell卡尔霍恩, 住在首尔的英语老师, 韩国, who aspires to switch careers and land a position as a full stack developer by the end of this year. 瑞秋在卡拉马祖出生长大, 密歇根, 八年前搬到韩国教书, joining a Python study group in 2014 and beginning her studies in Computer Science. 去年秋天,她成为了 姜戈女孩首尔.

雷切尔自称是一位“白天的英语老师”, 夜间网页开发员,” but her tremendous appetite for learning new skills and her unrivaled work ethic leave no doubt that Rachell will become an accomplished senior developer.

“蕾切尔以她的精力和决心赢得了我们的支持,Toptal工程总监Anna-Chiara Bellini说, 谁领导奖学金评审委员会. “The judging panel was immediately impressed by her drive and motivation, 这在她迄今为止所承担的每一项挑战中都很明显, 尤其是她在首尔成长得如此之快. rachel成为全栈开发人员的强烈愿望, 国际视野, and commitment to community-building make her a great fit for our culture.”

作为奖学金获得者, 瑞秋将得到5美元,000 to use to further her educational and professional development goals, as well as a year of weekly one-on-one dedicated mentorship with a senior software engineer from the Toptal network.

在韩国当了8年英语老师之后, 瑞秋要搬回密歇根了, 她能在哪里继续发展她的编程技能. 瑞秋目前正在处理 Udacity的前端纳米学位项目 和事业 Web开发项目 使用Django和Python. She plans to move on to Udacity’s full stack program and the senior web development track when she finishes the front-end courses.

她计划用这笔奖学金报名更多的在线课程, and hopes to rely on her mentor for support in the absence of her community of developers in 韩国.

“We’re excited that the mentorship aspect of the scholarship will suit Rachell well during this transition,贝里尼说。. “It will provide her with the direction she needs to focus and exploit her passion for programming.”


In October 2015, Rachell and her weekly Python study group colleagues learned about Django的女孩, a non-profit that brings together aspiring female engineers from around the world for coding workshops.

A firm believer that “learning as part of a community is better than learning alone,” Rachell decided to help bring the first Django的女孩 workshop to Seoul, so that more women and girls would develop an interest in programming and find the necessary support system to begin their own projects.

Rachell and her team created a workshop that focused on building an inclusive environment for beginners, and worked tirelessly to promote the event to gain sponsorships and build interest in the local community.

“我想展示编程可以很酷很有趣, 这不是你必须独自完成的事情,瑞秋说. “I also wanted to make it clear that we welcomed any question as a good question.”

Her team did such a good job garnering interest that they received over 400 applications from 11 different countries, and ultimately brought together nearly 70 participants and 30 coaches.

决心继续培养热情, Rachell helped organize a follow-up event just four weeks later called Django的女孩 X, which let participants continue their studies with extended material and a two-month long project-based coding camp.

几个月后, 姜戈女孩首尔社区像野火一样迅速发展, 从一次性的工作坊过渡到一系列的编码营, 研究聚会, and social gatherings designed to help inspire and support women who aspire to become engineers.

“I think one of the reasons there’s so much enthusiasm in our community is that the other participants can look at my story, 他们也知道我还是个新手,瑞秋说. “我从零开始,从来没有想过编程适合我. 然后我尝试了,我一直在尝试新的东西.”

通过Django的女孩社区, 雷切尔的目标是给其他女性同样的“就业机会”, 向上流动, 平等, 以及她为自己寻找的未来.

It’s only been two years since Rachell first started learning how to code, and she is now already contributing to GitHub with her first open source project, 适用于所有人的代码,以及构建后端和前端项目. She’s also been instrumental in building a major support network for other aspiring female engineers in Seoul.

当被问及未来时,她说:“我现在看不到. It’s at the top of the staircase, and right now I’m on just the first few steps. 我打算继续学习,不断改变. 我希望用我的技能来帮助那些没有发言权的人, 给他们一个以前没有的平台.”


Rachell has always sought out challenges, especially when it comes to learning new languages. 作为一名学生, 她住在乌拉圭(为了提高她的西班牙语水平)。, 魁北克市(补充她的法语学习), 和亚历山大, 埃及(学习阿拉伯语). 在搬到韩国之前,她不太懂韩语, 但从10岁开始学习跆拳道, and had picked up a few simple phrases there and from a friend’s Korean mother. She decided to dive right in, booking a ticket, and accepting a one-year teaching position. 现在, 瑞秋准备好迎接新的挑战了, 这次是一头扎进软件工程, 还带来了整个社区.

Please join us in congratulating software developer Rachell卡尔霍恩 on becoming the fifth winner of the STEM女性奖学金 program!

关于total STEM女性奖学金

Toptal STEM Scholarships for women are a series of 12 scholarships for women that are awarded monthly over a year, 瑞秋是第五个奖学金获得者. Women from across the world of any education level are eligible to apply to win $5,000 and a year of weekly one-on-one technical training and mentorship from a Toptal senior technologist to help them pursue their goals as future professional 软件工程师.

之前的奖学金获得者是 Rojina Bajracharya表示 从尼泊尔, 安娜Sustic 从斯洛文尼亚, 加芙曼奇尼 来自阿根廷,以及 Tondi巴特勒 来自美国.

To apply to Toptal Scholarships for Female 开发人员 and for more information about the program, 访问 http://zjb.yscfrp.com/scholarships.


成立于2010年, Toptal is one the fastest-growing and most innovative companies to emerge from Silicon Valley. 得到了安德森·霍洛维茨基金的支持, 硅谷著名的风险投资公司, 亚当·德安杰洛, Quora创始人, 瑞安洛克菲勒, 以及其他投资者, Toptal today connects thousands of elite freelance 软件工程师 and designers from around the world to over 2,000蓝筹股,如J.P. 摩根和辉瑞, Airbnb和Zendesk等科技公司, and numerous startups to provide world-class solutions that meet the most complex and challenging requirements. Toptal’s rapid growth is testimony to exploding client demand and the unmatched quality and reliability of the company’s services.


+1 (415) 308-8209

Rachel成为全栈开发人员的强烈动力, 国际视野, and commitment to community-building make her a great fit for our culture.

Toptal连接 排名前3% 世界各地的自由职业人才.
