尼泊尔开发者Rojina Bajracharya表示获得首个总奖学金


2015年12月17日- 10月21日, Toptal 推出了 女性开发者总奖学金, a program designed to empower and support the next generation of female computer scientists, 软件工程师, 和开发人员, 通过财政支持和指导相结合的方式.

今天,我们激动地宣布首位奖学金得主, Rojina Bajracharya表示. Rojina是一个非常鼓舞人心的人, 积极的Python开发人员, 企业家, 和来自巴克塔普尔的导师, 尼泊尔. 她将得到5美元,000, 以及与Toptal高级开发人员进行为期一年的每周一对一指导, 来支持她成为一名成功的专业软件开发人员的目标.

Rojina Bajracharya表示, 来自巴克塔普尔的Python开发人员, 尼泊尔, Toptal女性开发者奖学金的首位得主是谁.

“Rojina的申请真的让我们大吃一惊,Toptal工程总监Anna-Chiara Bellini说, 谁负责组织活动并领导评审委员会. “她既聪明又有野心, 而且不仅是努力工作来发展自己的技能, but is also doing amazing things to build and support a community of female technologists around her in 尼泊尔.”

Rojina是 科技女孩, a rapidly growing community of women in the Kathmandu area who are training to become future 软件工程师. The organization was founded after Rojina and several friends took a programming course that a mentor from 宝塔实验室是一家位于加德满都的创意公司,专门为该地区的女孩们设立了一个项目.

Rojina has a Bachelor of Engineering degree in Electronics and Communications and is a co-founder of 科技女孩.


编程课程每周六上课,为期5周, 在它完成之后, Rojina and 4 other girls decided to form 科技女孩 so that they could continue their education and support other girls who were also interested in learning software development.

该组织成立不到9个月, 今天, “科技女孩”每周六举办培训课程. 40多名女孩参加了最近一次会议.


科技女孩 is a common platform that brings all women studying technology in 尼泊尔 together. 世界上大多数地区的技术一直是男性主导的领域, 尼泊尔也是如此, 哪里最好的工作都与计算机编程和技术相关. 尼泊尔ese businesses are no less capable in technology compared to anywhere else in the world, 但是,虽然这里有熟练的程序员, 供应远远不能满足需求.

如果女孩们能帮助填补这个领域的空缺呢? 我国在技术领域有熟练的妇女, 但平均而言,女性比男性少得多. Girls who are already interested in technical subjects or who are studying this field should be encouraged to continue it. 现在, many girls in this field leave it because they think computer jobs are too difficult and they lose confidence at some point. So, 科技女孩 is a motto and platform to bring these girls together and encourage them to continue forward.”

Rojina解释道, there are plenty of girls in 尼泊尔 who are successful in STEM fields through high school and university, 还有很多人一直在班上名列前茅, but she has seen many girls lose confidence when it comes to actually preparing and interviewing for professional computer science positions.

为了解决这个问题, 科技女孩 organizes technical training sessions (the most recent one was a Python workshop), 邀请了尼泊尔科技行业的成功女性来分享她们的经验, and provides a forum for support as girls make the jump from achieving university degrees to landing their first jobs as 软件工程师. 这些活动由 超越学院这是一家为尼泊尔各地的学生提供编程课程的技术学院.

除了GiT的短期计划之外, 其中包括编程课程和团队建设和网络研讨会, Rojina’s long-term vision for the organization includes directly helping girls land programming jobs with 尼泊尔ese tech companies and reaching out to girls across the entire nation.

正如她所说, “几年后, I want to see all girls in 尼泊尔 studying technology and feeling that they can work in the tech industry if they desire.”



Rojina在Everest英语学校上高中, 在她的家乡巴克塔普尔, 在那里她被评为2007年度学生. She completed her Bachelor of Engineering degree in Electronics and Communications from Tribhuwan University in 尼泊尔, 目前在尼泊尔佛学院学习佛学, 尼泊尔佛教研究协会之一. She is waiting for her bachelor’s test scores before beginning to pursue a Master’s degree, 她正在考虑申请尼泊尔以外的大学. 目前,Rojina也在作为Node工作.Js开发人员 Zyoba实验室公司. 有限公司.这是一家总部位于加德满都的软件开发公司.

“我们刚上大学的时候, 我和一个朋友看到电子和通讯课上全是男生, 我们决定去做,做唯一的女生,罗吉娜说. “然而, 我们注意到大学课程并没有真正教你专业的编程技能, 只是学术, 所以我和我的朋友开始每天早上用2个小时自学PHP, 只是在家用它看YouTube视频.”

在完成PHP编程实习之后, Rojina加入了超越学院, 她在那里开始学习Python和Django, 既在学院实习,也通过自学.

Rojina解释说, “目前尼泊尔有9家软件开发公司使用Python, 它们都需要高级开发人员.”

从那时起,她开始学习Node.通过她在Zyoba实验室的工作, and is currently focusing on teaching herself more JavaScript and picking up AngularJS in her free time.

然而,她仍然设法抽出时间关注科技领域的女孩. 每当她在办公室学会一项新技能, 罗吉娜很快就会为她组织里的其他女孩制作一个培训视频.

“这些视频对科技女孩来说真的很有好处,”罗吉娜说. “They really help to show girls in 尼泊尔 who are interested in technology that they can do it. 这些视频真的吸引了越来越多的女孩加入我们.”


“我在Facebook上发现了Toptal奖学金, 当我的一个朋友分享了一个应用程序的链接,罗吉娜说. “当我得知这个消息时,我非常兴奋地申请了这份工作. I immediately read all the rules and created a blog for myself in WordPress so that I could apply.”

作为她申请的一部分,罗吉娜从事建筑工作 Hamropasal这是一个基于python的电子商务应用程序,她已经将其开源. Her submission blog post discusses her passion for technology and the challenges she has faced as a woman in 尼泊尔 learning to become a software developer.

在进入最后一轮之后, Rojina接受了Anna Chiara Bellini和其他评审委员会成员的采访, 之后,她被任命为该奖学金的第一位获得者.

Rojina计划用她的奖学金奖金来帮助建立和推出Hamropasal, 来支付她的独立学习和未来的硕士学位, 并支持“科技女孩”倡议. 帮她完成最后那部分, Toptal will be partnering with GiT in an additional capacity to sponsor their initiatives indefinitely and to support their long-term visions, including funding events and providing the organization with access to Udemy’s full course catalog.


Rojina, 谁在空闲时间喜欢听音乐, 打排球, 和烹饪, 写了以下关于她自己和她的国家的文章:

I am a girl brought up in a cultural family, where we value norms and ethics very strongly. 尼泊尔 is a country where so many people from diverse cultures live together as a community. 我们相信“多样性中的统一”.“我们也相信互相帮助,共同成长.

尼泊尔是喜马拉雅山脉的国家, 乔达摩佛出生在哪里, 那里是世界最高峰, 珠穆朗玛峰, 谎言. 成为一名佛教徒, 我遵循佛陀的思想, 哪些对每个生物的生活都是非常实用的. 他的一个想法给了我很大的启发:“思想就是一切。. 你想什么,你就成为什么.” I believe that every religion is the same if it teaches humanity and the path to enlightenment and peace.

我想感谢我的父母和整个家庭,是他们一直激励着我前进. I would also not be so inspired to learn without my high school experience at the Everest English School. 我要感谢迪克桑塔·巴哈杜尔·什雷斯塔爵士, Leapfrog学院的CEO, 谢谢你给我动力, 感谢“科技女孩”的所有成员, 没有他,我的项目就不会成功. 最后, I’d like to thank Toptal 工程总监 Anna Chiara Bellini and the entire Toptal team for inspiring me and creating this scholarship.

Rojina’s ambition and drive to educate herself and build a growing community of female technologists around her is truly remarkable. Toptal目前正与Rojina合作,安排她去纽约旅行, 在那里她会见Toptal团队的成员, 纽约其他支持科技行业女性的组织, 以及大学组织.

We are lucky to be able to support Rojina and 科技女孩 as she launches her career in software development, 我们很期待看到她的未来. 如果它能像她迄今为止所取得的成就一样,我们相信它将是惊人的.

请和我们一起祝贺尼泊尔开发者Rojina Bajracharya表示, the very first scholarship winner in the 女性开发者总奖学金 program!


女性开发者总奖学金 是否有一系列的12个女性奖学金,在一年内每月颁发一次, 罗吉娜是第一个奖学金获得者. 世界各地任何教育水平的女性都有资格申请赢得5美元奖金,000 and a year of weekly one-on-one technical training and mentorship from a Toptal senior technologist to help them pursue their goals as future professional 软件工程师.

适用于 女性开发者总奖学金 有关该计划的更多信息,请访问 http://zjb.yscfrp.com/scholarships.


成立于2010年, Toptal is one the fastest-growing and most innovative companies to emerge from Silicon Valley. 得到了安德森·霍洛维茨基金的支持, 硅谷著名的风险投资公司, 亚当·德安杰洛, Quora创始人, 瑞安洛克菲勒, 以及其他投资者, Toptal today connects thousands of elite freelance 软件工程师 and designers from around the world to over 2,000蓝筹股,如J.P. 摩根和辉瑞, Airbnb和Zendesk等科技公司, and numerous startups to provide world-class solutions that meet the most complex and challenging requirements. Toptal’s rapid growth is testimony to exploding client demand and the unmatched quality and reliability of the company’s services.


+1 (415) 308-8209

罗吉娜不仅在努力提高自己的技能, but is also doing amazing things to build and support a community of female technologists around her in 尼泊尔.

Toptal连接 排名前3% 世界各地的自由职业人才.
