Milos Jakovljevic,塞尔维亚贝尔格莱德的开发者
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Milos Jakovljevic

Verified Expert  in Engineering

Software Developer

Belgrade, Serbia
Toptal Member Since
March 6, 2016

Milos在他的职业生涯中参与过各种各样的项目. Starting from Android and iOS applications to cross-platform C++ development on games and applications. 他在软件开发的各个领域都有丰富的经验. 从最初的概念化到架构和开发, 最后将产品交付给消费者.



Preferred Environment

Git, JetBrains, Xcode, OS X

The most amazing...

...我所创造的应用便是我的第一款Android游戏, Offroad Kings, 哪个被下载了超过50万次.

Work Experience

Senior Software Engineer

2018 - 2020
Johnson & Johnson
  • Created a template UI for iOS and Android rendered completely from JSON configurations which are fully customized by the back end.
  • 开发新功能并支持各种应用程序.
  • Contributed to the architecture and database optimization to ensure better performance and maintainability.
  • Contributed to various infrastructure projects to ensure full automation of building and deploying both iOS and Android applications.
  • 改进了iOS和Android应用程序的安全性, making sure all Veracode guidelines are followed to ensure maximum user data privacy.
技术:Android, Java, Realm, Swift, iOS

Software Engineer

2016 - 2017
Leanplum Inc. (via Toptal)
  • 为Android, iOS和JavaScript SDK开发各种功能.
  • 维护和修复iOS, Android, JavaScript和Unity sdk.
  • Developed and maintained various infrastructure projects to improve the quality of life of both developers and clients.
  • Contributed to the architecture and database optimization to ensure better performance.
  • Contributed to the design of APIs to ensure backward compatibility as well as new features.
  • 致力于多项优化和改进,以支持可伸缩性.
  • Worked on unit tests from the ground up to provide more than 60% code coverage for both iOS and Android SDKs.
技术:SQLite, c#, JavaScript, Java, Objective-C

Senior iOS Developer

2016 - 2016
SmartLivez (via Toptal)
  • 改进了应用程序的架构.
  • Implemented various features which depended on CoreLocation, CoreData, and CoreBluetooth.
  • Improved the GestureRecognizer which uses real-time data from various BLE Sensor to recognize gestures.
  • Created various utility apps to provide real-world testing capabilities to an existing app.
  • Improved app performance.
技术:蓝牙LE, c++, Swift, Objective-C


2011 - 2016
  • Developed, designed, tested, and published the game Offroad Kings for both on Android and iOS. 这是一款实时多人跨平台游戏. Utilized a LibGDX engine to develop games for both Android and iOS (RoboVM) using Java. 使用Google Play Games和Game Center创建排行榜和成就. 利用Google Play Games和Warp开发了一款即时多人游戏. Over 500.在Android和iOS平台上的下载量达到了5000次.
  • Developed, designed, tested, 并在Android和iOS平台上发行了《欧博体育app下载》. Orbed: Smash and Blast -一款Android/iOS跨平台冒险游戏. Utilized the LibGDX engine to develop the game for Android and iOS (RoboVM) using Java. Implemented various SDKs.
  • 为Android和iOS开发了《欧博体育app下载》. 利用Cocos2d-X引擎,使用c++开发一款Android和iOS游戏. Various techniques, algorithms, tools, and third-party frameworks used while developing.
  • Developed Like "A" Laugh, an Android application similar to 9Gag, used for showing web content.
  • Currently developing a real-time multiplayer cross-platform game for Android and iOS: OneTwoThree.
  • 实现各种sdk (AdMob), Google Analytics, Google Play Games, Game Center, Fortumo, Warp, and so on).
  • 在开发过程中结合各种技术、框架和工具.
Technologies: Unity3D, Android NDK, OpenGL, Unreal Engine, Cocos2d-x, JavaScript, Python, Objective-C, Java, C, C++


2014 - 2015
  • 开发Wheelio,这是一个安卓和iOS应用程序的照片编辑. 它支持在照片上添加文字功能, has stickers, custom fonts, clip art, and image filters.
  • Developed OnePaste which is an Android and iOS application that allows the user to seamlessly copy and paste from multiple devices. 目前只支持复制纯文本. 结果通过推送通知即时传递.
  • 使用Java和Google App Engine开发OnePaste的后端.
  • Developed Scanadu in collaboration with NASA which is an Android application that allows the user to do a fast health check. 可用于多种蓝牙健康设备,如ECG, blood pressure, blood and urine lab tests, hearth rate, and much more.
Technologies: Android NDK, Android SDK, iOS, JavaScript, Python, Objective-C, C, C++, Java

Mobile Software Developer

2012 - 2015
  • 开发索尼移动电子邮件应用程序.
  • 构建了一个索尼移动日历应用程序.
  • Created a Plantronics application for controlling Plantronics headsets with a widget to show current battery status of a headset.
  • 为iOS和Android平台开发《欧博体育app下载》应用. It's an app for sailors which uses advanced algorithms to calculate the best route to the next buoy. It uses GPS, wind direction, currents, and Google/Apple maps where it displays the paths.
  • 创建了一个索尼移动时钟,闹钟和秒表应用程序.
技术:Python, c++, Objective-C, Java, iOS, Android SDK

Scanadu Vitals

A mobile application that uses BLE technology to communicate with different health devices (ECG, Blood Pressure, Blood Oxidation, Urine Tests and more) to log, 根据输入参数预览和诊断潜在疾病.

The application was developed in collaboration with NASA and doctors around the world to build proper algorithms to diagnose potential diseases.

The application was developed for XPRIZE competition and is not yet publicly available.

I was responsible for creating a library on top of the Android BLE implementation for easy management of connections, data transfer, 以及各种BLE设备的可靠性.


Developed and maintained an Android application bundled with Sony Mobile phones.

I was responsible for the IMAP, POP3, and Microsoft Exchange protocols; adding features and reliability to existing code.


Developed and maintained an Android application bundled with Sony Mobile phones.

I was responsible for implementing new features and improving the performance and code reliability of custom components.


Developed and maintained an Android application bundled with Sony Mobile phones.

帆船战术师- iOS, Android

帆船战术师是一款智能手机应用程序,可以帮助帆船队赢得帆船赛. 它可以在iPhone、iPad和Android设备上运行.

帆船战术师将帮助您准备比赛开始, 引导你通过比赛场地, and help you win the race by giving you accurate data about your current speed, position, heading, wind direction, VMG to mark/wind, 到下一个目标的距离和时间, and more.

我负责开发Android应用程序, the planning, 并将功能移植到iOS应用程序中

Wheelio -文字上的照片为iOS

Wheelio is a photo editor that allows you to easily apply text, filters, and effects to your photos. Use different fonts and professionally designed photo filters to create stunning pictures you will love sharing with your friends.

我的职责是领导一个由三名开发人员组成的团队, architecting, and developing custom features.

Wheelio -文字的照片为Android

Wheelio is a photo editor that allows you to easily apply text, filters, and effects to your photos. Use different fonts and professionally designed photo filters to create stunning pictures you will love sharing with your friends.

我的职责是领导一个由三名开发人员组成的团队, 架构和开发自定义特性.

OnePaste - iOS / Android / OS X

iOS跨平台应用, Android和OS X可以轻松地在设备之间复制和粘贴数据.

我的职责是领导一个由两名开发者组成的团队(Android和iOS)。, 使用Google App Engine开发后端, OS X application, and cross-platform protocol.


PaaS allows game developers to focus on their game and forget about low level communication protocols and build extraordinary multiplayer games with ease.

I was responsible for the low-level communication using UDP sockets and defining protocols written in C++.

Currently in development.

Plantronics - Android耳机应用程序

Built various apps for Plantronics using Bluetooth technology to monitor current state of devices.

Sisyphus Job for Android


Sisyphus Job for iOS


Orbed: Smash and Blast for iOS




Offroad Kings




I'm an active member on the forums and I like to help other members with their problems.
2020 - 2021



2015 - 2019



2009 - 2013




Node.Firebase Android SDK, FFmpeg, Firebase iOS SDK, React, OpenGL


Jenkins, Android NDK, Xcode, Android Studio, Gradle, Travis CI, Google Analytics, JetBrains, Git


iOS SDK, Cocos2d-x, Android SDK, ASP.NET MVC, RealmSwift, Unity3D, LIVE555, Boost,虚幻引擎


JavaScript, Swift, Objective-C, c++, Java, c#, C, SQL, Python


Scrum, App Development, Agile Software Development, Concurrent Programming, API Architecture


Firebase, MacOS, Android, iOS, Heroku, Linux, Windows, OS X, Bluetooth LE, Google App Engine


SQLite, Redis, NoSQL, MongoDB, PostgreSQL, Realm


前端开发,自由职业者,H264, H.265, Video Streaming, AVFoundation, TCP/IP, UDP, Machine Learning, Computer Vision, Neural Networks, Code Architecture, Software Engineering, Boost.Asio, Google AdMob

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