Ken Abe,美国AK州安克雷奇的开发者
Ken is available for hire
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Ken Abe

Verified Expert  in Engineering

Full-stack Developer

Toptal Member Since
January 11, 2018

An enthusiastic, experienced, 自我激励的全栈web开发人员, Ken拥有多种编程语言和框架的技能和经验. He thoroughly understands the requirements for stellar web apps and tries to provide the best infrastructure to allow you to grow and scale safely and quickly.

Portfolio America LLC
Kyle Foiles
React, Web3.js, Ethers.js,设计,用户体验(UX),稳定性...
Will Coley
插件,HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Web应用程序设计,Web安全,React, Vercel...




Preferred Environment

React, Django, Node.js, Tailwind CSS, 亚马逊网络服务(AWS), Headless Software, Blockchain, Google Analytics, Chrome Extensions, Extensions

The most amazing...

...thing I have worked on is a marketing platform that applies various A/B and variation tests to increase marketing performance and optimization.

Work Experience

Front-end Developer

2022 - PRESENT America LLC
  • Contributed to building an MVP that lists the furniture products from major US furniture retailers, including Amazon, Rooms To Go, Gardener White, HOM furniture, etc.
  • 使用Jira和Sentry作为报告工具跟踪和修复bug.
  • Built visually appealing UI and created a seamless user experience throughout the website.
技术:React,、敏捷软件开发、敏捷sprint、Algolia、Next.js, Gatsby, TypeScript, CSS, Chrome, Tailwind CSS, 响应式网页设计(RWD), Klaviyo, Web Development, 亚马逊网络服务(AWS), Front-end Development, Low Code, Code Review, AWS Lambda, Headless Software, GraphQL, Hygraph (GraphCMS), Google Analytics, React Hooks, SaaS, MERN Stack


2024 - 2024
Kyle Foiles
  • 利用Wagmi提供与Web3钱包和智能合约的交互.
  • Implemented a data fetching feature with the SWR module and provided real-time experience.
  • Built an eye-catching UI for the minting page, which can maximize user experience.
  • Helped the client build a minting page that supports a new PermaBull deflationary token ecosystem for GIFFORD and permaGIFFORD tokens on PulseChain.
技术:React, Web3.js, Ethers.js,设计,用户体验(UX),稳定性, 以太坊智能合约, Blockchain, Tokenomics

Web Plugin Developer

2024 - 2024
Will Coley
  • Developed an AI-based Chrome extension to parse the review content and find the violations of given rules.
  • Created a Supabase edge function to handle prompts and responses related to AI service.
  • Designed and implemented a serverless solution for handling back-end related works with Supabase.
Technologies: 插件,HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Web应用程序设计,Web安全,React, Vercel, Extensions, Web Design, Chrome Extensions, Next.js, Stripe

Shopify Expert

2023 - 2023
  • Enhanced the LCP score and total Core Web Vital for initial loading up to 99-100 points, 哪些是Shopify插件项目的关键因素.
  • Helped the client with code updates by replacing deprecated React functions.
  • Demonstrated how to enhance LCP score so clients can update the code accordingly.
Technologies: Shopify, Shopify API, React, Core Web Vitals, 链路控制协议(LCP), MERN Stack, Stripe

Full-stack Developer

2021 - 2022
  • 为Oreana建立财务报告平台.
  • 实现了用于身份验证的后端RESTful api, viewing, 并要求每周或每月提交报告.
  • 构建了一个模块来检索彭博价格数据并存储到数据库中.
  • Implemented the logic to show data as charts and tables from Bloomberg price data using Highcharts as requested by the client.
  • Created a front-end boilerplate for the front end with React, Redux, and Redux-Saga.
  • 实现Redux API调用模块,实现重用性.
  • 将报告web应用程序与Jenkins一起部署到Azure云服务.
Technologies: React, Redux, Redux-Saga, Python, Django, Bloomberg API, HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap, React-Bootstrap, Pandas, SCSS, Formik, Highcharts, SQL, ECMAScript (ES6), Web, Next.js, Front-end, PostgreSQL, TypeScript, APIs, CI/CD Pipelines, Jenkins, User Experience (UX), User Interface (UI), Sass, Docker, Full-stack, REST APIs, Architecture, API Integration, Figma, Jest, Slack, CSS, Chrome, Vite, Web Development, Full-stack Development, Front-end Development, Front-end Build Tools, Back-end, Code Review, Vercel, Back-end Development, React Hooks, SaaS, Express.js, MERN Stack

Full-stack Developer

2019 - 2020
  • 使用Python、Flask和GraphQL实现后端api.
  • 构建了用于管理从XML提要加载的播客数据的API端点.
  • 实现了一个前端仪表板来管理基于React的播客数据, Apollo GraphQL, and MUI framework.
Technologies: React, GraphQL, Material UI, React Apollo, Python, Flask, SQL, ECMAScript (ES6), Web, Redux, Front-end, TypeScript, APIs, User Experience (UX), User Interface (UI), Full-stack, REST APIs, API Integration, Figma, Jest, Slack, CSS, Chrome, Web Development, Full-stack Development, Front-end Development, Back-end, Code Review, Back-end Development, React Hooks, Ethers.js,以太坊智能合约

JavaScript /反应建筑师

2018 - 2019
  • 参与构建web应用的前端部分.
  • 负责数据可视化部分,在仪表板中构建图表.
  • 为学生实现了一个时间表生成器功能.
  • 修正了使用WebSocket的消息中心的一些错误.
技术:JavaScript, React, D3.js, Redux, CSS3, Bootstrap, Git, JSON API, Data Visualization, ECMAScript (ES6), Front-end, Tailwind CSS, APIs, User Experience (UX), User Interface (UI), Sass, REST APIs, API Integration, Animation, Slack, CSS, Chrome, Web Development, Front-end Development, Front-end Build Tools, Code Review, Vercel, Headless Software, React Hooks, MERN Stack, Stripe

Full-stack Developer

2018 - 2018
Zen Cart
  • 用PhantomJS创建了一个像素完美的PDF模板.
  • 通过修复SCSS修复了网站上的几个风格问题.
  • Updated a Node.Js后端,以提高性能.
  • 促进了登台服务器的Heroku部署.
  • 针对新需求升级了Html2canvas特性.
技术:SCSS, Node.js, AngularJS, JavaScript, HTML5, jQuery, Web, React Native, User Experience (UX), User Interface (UI), Full-stack, REST APIs, Apache Tomcat, Shopify, Shopify API, Slack, CSS, Chrome, Web Development, Full-stack Development, Front-end Development, Webflow, Front-end Build Tools, 谷歌云平台(GCP), Back-end, Code Review, Headless Software, React Hooks, SaaS, Express.js, MERN Stack

Web Developer

2017 - 2017
  • 使用React和Redux从零开始开发一个web应用程序.
  • 为进一步开发和使用构建了可重用的组件和容器.
  • Created test frameworks based on Mocha and Karma for unit and functional testing.
  • Implemented CSS3 and D3.用于按钮动画和页面过渡的Js动画.
  • Integrated a payment flow based on memberships and services that the users were using.
Technologies: D3.js, JavaScript, React, HTML5, UI Development, Karma, Web, Front-end, APIs, User Experience (UX), User Interface (UI), REST APIs, API Integration, Slack, CSS, Chrome, Web Development, Full-stack Development, Front-end Development, Mailchimp, Code Review, Headless Software, Express.js, MERN Stack, Plugins

Full-stack Developer

2016 - 2017
Altare Publishing, Inc.
  • Improved the marketing website for the products by implementing the design from the design team.
  • Applied growth hacking techniques (split tests and user interaction data) to optimize marketing funnels and sales.
  • Upgraded the core flow of the marketing websites by optimizing the project flow.
  • 分割psd并基于它们创建营销网站.
  • 实时监控网站的意外爆发和问题.
技术:Magento, Ruby on Rails (RoR), D3.js, Vue, React, CSS3, PHP, JavaScript, HTML5, MySQL, SQL, A/B Testing, ECMAScript (ES6), Mocha, Web, APIs, Prisma, User Interface (UI), Full-stack, REST APIs, Slack, CSS, Chrome, Web Development, Full-stack Development, Front-end Development, Google Cloud, Mailchimp, 谷歌云平台(GCP), Back-end, Code Review, React Hooks, SaaS

Front-end Developer

2016 - 2016
宝达理集团(Clarity CG)
  • Refactored the existing front-end framework in a more efficient way by implementing SCSS and components.
  • 集成SCSS和Webpack,用于快速实时开发.
  • 基于PhantomJS和Mocha的集成单元和功能测试.
  • 为屏幕过渡和元素动画添加了Angular 2的动画.
  • 创建一个可重用的元素,以便在将来的开发阶段中使用.
技术:Ruby on Rails (RoR), Webpack, SCSS, CSS3, Angular, JavaScript, HTML5, UI Development, jQuery, SQL, Less, ECMAScript (ES6), Web, Front-end, APIs, User Interface (UI), REST APIs, Slack, CSS, Chrome, Laravel, Web Development, Front-end Development, 谷歌云平台(GCP), Code Review, React Hooks, MERN Stack

Full-stack Developer

2015 - 2016
Tony Murphy
  • Created the back-end endpoints for food management APIs that is used in a mobile application.
  • 基于PhantomJS和Mocha编写单元测试和功能测试.
  • 优化了当前的MongoDB以获得更好的性能和更快的查询.
  • 集成缓存和Memcache服务器优化.
  • Coordinated with the team for the future plans and architectures of the mobile application.
技术:MongoDB, DevOps, Node.js, JavaScript, HTML5, jQuery, SQL, Web, CSS, Chrome, Web Development, Full-stack Development, Front-end Development, Google Cloud, Back-end, Code Review, Back-end Development, React Hooks, MERN Stack |前端开发

• 为进一步开发和使用构建了可重用的组件和容器.
• Created test frameworks based on Mocha and Karma for unit and functional testing.
• Integrated a payment flow based on memberships and services that the users were using.

Altare Publishing Inc. |全栈开发

I worked as a full-stack developer within the company where I developed various sites with other team members.

• Improved the marketing website for the products by implementing the design from the design team.
• Applied growth hacking techniques (split tests and user interaction data) to optimize marketing funnels and sales.
• Upgraded the core flow of the marketing websites by optimizing the project flow.

Bank of Gotham City

In 2011, I developed my first website; it was a test project for my university's faculty.

I used various web technologies that were available and the best practices at the time. Afterwards, I became really invested in the project so I incorporated more features into it. That's the story of how my first web project started and how I got my first taste of web development.

The project is a bank management system called The Bank of Gotham City (an artificial bank).

技术栈:PHP, MySQL, CSS, JavaScript, HTML America LLC |前端开发
我在一个家具搜索引擎项目中担任前端开发人员, 与后端和数据工程师密切合作. We aimed to develop an efficient search engine and eCommerce experience that could effectively display furniture data sourced from various partners, 包括美国主要的家具零售商和批发商.

Throughout the project, I played a key role in coordinating with the back-end and data engineering teams to ensure the successful implementation of the search engine and seamless integration with the partner feeds.
2013 - 2015



2009 - 2013




React, Node.js, Vue, REST API, jQuery, Shopify API, D3.. js, MathJax, React Query, Web3.js, Stripe, JSON API, Redux-Saga, Bloomberg API, Pandas, Formik, Highcharts, Google Tag Manager API


GitHub, Slack, Jenkins, Figma, Odoo, Microsoft Visual C++, Front-end Build Tools, Mailchimp, Webpack, Karma, Mocha, Git, React Apollo, Prisma, Apache Tomcat, LaTeX, NinjaTrader, Hygraph (GraphCMS), Google Analytics


React Native, Angular, AngularJS, Svelte, Next.js, Tailwind CSS, Chrome, Ruby on Rails (RoR), Jest, Laravel, Electron, NestJS, Express.. js, Redux, Bootstrap, Django, React-Bootstrap, Material UI, Flask, Symfony


CSS, HTML, Python, PHP, JavaScript, HTML5, Java, TypeScript, Sass, Pine Script, CSS3, ECMAScript (ES6), SQL, GraphQL, SCSS, Ruby, Solidity, Less, C++


响应式网页设计(RWD), DevOps, Agile Software Development, Unit Testing, Web App Design


Shopify, Magento, Docker, Windows XP, 谷歌云平台(GCP), AWS Lambda, Vercel, Blockchain, Ethereum, Visual Studio Code (VS Code), Web, Algolia, Klaviyo, 亚马逊网络服务(AWS), Webflow, Heroku


PostgreSQL, MySQL, MongoDB, Google Cloud

Industry Expertise

Web Design


Front-end, APIs, User Experience (UX), User Interface (UI), Full-stack,, Web Development, Full-stack Development, Front-end Development, Back-end, Code Review, React Hooks, MERN Stack, UI Development, A/B Testing, Data Visualization, CI/CD Pipelines, Architecture, API Integration, Animation, Chrome Extensions, Vite, TradingView, Headless Software, ÐApp, 分散的应用程序, DApps, Ethers.js, Supabase, Back-end Development, SaaS, Plugins, Extensions, 以太坊智能合约, Gatsby, Google Analytics 4, OneTrust, Agile Sprints, Low Code, Chatbots, Discord, Stock Trading, 算法交易分析, Core Web Vitals, 链路控制协议(LCP), Web Security, Tokenomics, Design


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