Anna Avanesyan,亚美尼亚埃里温的开发者
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Anna Avanesyan

Verified Expert  in Engineering

Node.js Developer

Yerevan, Armenia
Toptal Member Since
June 24, 2021

Anna is an experienced back-end engineer with over five years experience in top IT companies and a BBA in computer science from the American University of Armenia. She has extensive experience creating and maintaining RESTful microservice applications using Node.js and Nest.Js和数据库与移动和网络支付系统集成. Anna has developed applications that have served over 150 million monthly active users.


JavaScript, Node.js, Express.. js、微服务、RESTful微服务、MongoDB...
TypeScript, TypeORM, Apache Kafka, Apache气流,Amazon S3 (AWS S3)...
TypeScript, TypeORM, JavaScript, Node.js, Express.js, Redshift, Amazon...




Preferred Environment

Slack, Node.. js, Koa, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, Jira, TypeScript, Confluence, NestJS, JavaScript

The most amazing...

...project I've worked on is a photo and video editing platform with over 20 million downloads. 我开发了它的订阅和支付系统的主要部分.

Work Experience

Senior Software Engineer

2020 - 2023
  • Designed and developed a microservice for subscription and monetization of the platform using Node.js and NestJS. Separated and refactored the microservice from the main monolith architecture of the app.
  • 为Apple添加了RESTful api和事件处理支持, Google, WeChat, Alipay, Adyen, PayPal, 以及Docomo的购买和订阅.
  • Created a Jenkins job based on Kubernetes and Docker for accessing and running needed queries with a database often used for old and new data correction.
  • Integrated event tracking for Apple and Google used for saving payment event callbacks, such as cancel, purchase, and on hold, 进入数据库并更新现有的订单信息.
  • 用于错误处理和使用图表查看数据的集成Datadog.
  • 使用Jira进行任务创建、bug报告和项目维护.
  • Generated REST APIs with documentation such as Swagger or Postman Collections for client usage and client library generation.
  • 使用AppsFlyer集成外部分析事件处理, Braze, Facebook events, and other services.
  • 将仓库从GitHub转移到GitLab,并设置自动化管道, jobs, and deployments.
  • 涵盖了使用Jest进行单元和集成测试的项目api.
技术:JavaScript, Node.js, Express.. js、微服务、RESTful微服务、MongoDB, Kubernetes, Mongoose, Docker, Apple Pay, Android Pay, WeChat, PayPal, Adyen Payments, Stripe, Git, GitHub, TypeScript, NestJS, APIs, REST, REST APIs, GitLab, GitLab CI/CD, Integration, Integration Testing, Unit Testing, Swagger, Postman, Back-end, ESLint, Payment APIs, Jira, Confluence, NoSQL, CI/CD Pipelines, Web Development, Mobile Development, Kubernetes运营(kOps), Kube, API Integration

Software Engineer

2022 - 2022
  • 使用TypeScript和TypeORM构建并开发了一个后端应用程序, 再加上MongoDB的大型数据集数据库.
  • Developed a generally used uploader for validation and uploading files to AWS S3 using temporary security credentials based on assuming role functionality of AWS SNS.
  • Used Apache Kafka for ingesting files or data to one or more targets from multiple data sources such as Kafka, MongoDB, or plain body.
  • Contributed to the process of creating and running Airflow DAGs for managing database tasks.
  • 涵盖了使用Jest进行单元和集成测试的项目api.
Technologies: TypeScript, TypeORM, Apache Kafka, Apache气流,Amazon S3 (AWS S3), Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS), APIs, REST, REST APIs, Integration Testing, Unit Testing, NestJS, Back-end, ESLint, Auth0, 亚马逊网络服务(AWS), Jira, Confluence, Postman, Web Development

Back-end Engineer

2021 - 2022
  • Developed a REST API multi-environment server application based on TypeScript and Express.
  • 使用TypeORM设置Redshift和DocumentDB数据库模式、模型和关系. Experienced aggregated queries and complex joins for interaction with large data sets.
  • Added machine-to-machine and web server Auth0 authorization for application security in development and production environments. 创建用户组、角色和权限,实现用户管理和ACL.
  • Developed and deployed Swagger Docs for the application with basic and Auth0 authorizations.
  • 为应用程序和Swagger部署创建了Dockerfiles.
  • Configured test environment using Jest and added integration and unit test coverage for all of the APIs.
  • 创建了包含技术文档的汇流页面.
技术:TypeScript, TypeORM, JavaScript, Node.js, Express.js, Redshift, Amazon, Amazon S3 (AWS S3), SQL, DocumentDB, Winston, Swagger, Auth0, Confluence, ACL, ESLint, REST APIs, APIs, Back-end, 亚马逊网络服务(AWS), Jira, Integration Testing, Postman, Web Development, API Integration

Back-end Engineer

2018 - 2020
  • 基于Koa框架开发REST api,支持Passport用户身份验证.
  • Designed a PostgreSQL-based database and worked on it with Sequelize ORM and Redis for key-value storing.
  • Integrated ACL for role-based access management and permission control for different user roles.
  • Designed and developed a small application based on AWS Lambda functions for storing website survey information in AWS DynamoDB Database.
  • 集成了许多应用内和推送通知服务,如AWS SNS, Socket.以及用于电子邮件通知的SendGrid.
  • Created Docker files for app deployment with the combination of Docker Compose Yamls for multi-container running.
  • 集成条纹支付支付交易.
  • Published an article called How to Implement Stripe Connect Payment System on Your Application Using Node.js to Medium.
  • 在Jira上开发了一个敏捷框架,用于跟踪和修复bug.
  • 集成的POEditor网站和移动本地化.
Technologies: Node.. js, Koa, REST, Web MVC, PostgreSQL, Sequelize, Docker, Docker Compose, Passport.js, 亚马逊网络服务(AWS), PostgreSQL 10, SQL, Amazon DynamoDB, AWS Lambda, Lambda Functions, Back-end, 人工智能(AI), REST APIs, APIs, ESLint, Jira, ACL, Confluence, Postman, Web Development, Mobile Development, Amazon RDS, 亚马逊虚拟私有云(VPC), API Integration

Front-end Engineer

2017 - 2018
  • 使用HTML5开发响应式单页应用程序和网站, CSS, Bootstrap, jQuery, and JavaScript. 添加了使用JavaScript和jQuery的交互功能.
  • 使用CSS关键帧,变换和过渡创建网站动画.
  • Created Grunt and Gulp tasks for handling and automating the front-end build processes and code flow.
技术:HTML, HTML5, CSS, jQuery, JavaScript, Grunt, Gulp, Bootstrap, Jira

照片和视频编辑应用程序和网站. The back end consists of both monolith and microservice architecture based on Express.使用依赖注入、MVC模式和REST API的js技术. For the database, 在Mongoose ORM和复制的帮助下,使用非关系型mongodb数据库. 此外,对于事件发布和键值存储,使用Redis pub/sub和Kafka.

付款和订阅, 实现了按月和按年订阅处理的外部服务. We have Apple, Android, and WeChat payments integrated on the mobile end of things along with an external job for renewals and order state change tracking. On the desktop web side, PayPal, Adyen, Stripe, and Docomo are integrated with the support of one-time payments and renewal using jobs.

Analytics are incorporated that fire events into Appsflyer, Braze, FB events, and other services.

SABX is a B2B platform with role access-based management and permission control developed on Node.js technologies.

I was a back-end developer working from the begging till the platform's successful launch and real user onboarding. 我在Koa上使用Passport用户身份验证开发REST api. For the database, 我们使用PostgreSQL,支持Sequelize ORM和Redis进行键值存储.

For file management, server, in-app, and push notifications, AWS services were used, 例如S3和SNS与Firebase相结合,用于移动端集成. 对于实时网站通知,Socket.IO was used. Also, we were using mail listeners and mail sending services for in-time notification such as SendGrid.

对于部署和多容器运行,我们使用Docker Compose.

On the payment side, for one-time payments, 我整合了PayPal和Stripe, 我在Medium上发表了一篇文章.

我是一个以农业数据访问和共享为目的的网络产品创建者. As a software engineer, I was in charge of developing and maintaining the website server. 该网站使用TypeScript, TypeORM technologies, 和Auth0,用于授权和认证流. As a back-end developer, I created a set of Restful APIs responsible for returning large amounts of soil data from PostgresSQL databases. 处理大数据集, I used a data pipeline to stream and validate the data via Kafka streams before storing it in Redshift for further processing.

Yara International
As a back-end engineer, 我是Yara项目开发团队的关键成员, where I was responsible for developing and maintaining several TypeScript services that provided APIs for the production, distribution, 并销售氮基矿物肥料及相关工业产品. 我对MongoDB有很深的理解, 我用它来有效地管理和存储大型数据集. 我也有使用TypeORM和AWS S3进行数据管理和文件上传的经验.

I developed a generally used uploader for validation and uploading files to AWS S3 using temporary security credentials based on assuming the role functionality of AWS SNS. I also used Apache Kafka for ingesting files or data to one or more targets from multiple data sources such as Kafka, MongoDB, or plain body. I also contributed to the process of creating and running Airflow DAGs for managing database tasks and covered project APIs with unit and integration tests using Jest. 这确保了项目的可靠性、可伸缩性和可维护性.
2015 - 2019




JavaScript, SQL, TypeScript, HTML, HTML5, CSS, Python


Express.. js, Koa, NestJS, Swagger, Kube, Bootstrap


Node.js, Lodash, Passport.js, REST APIs, Socket.IO, Android Pay, Stripe, Winston, jQuery


Mongoose, Slack, Sequelize, Adyen Payments, Jira, GitHub, Git, Confluence, GitLab, GitLab CI/CD, Postman, SendGrid, Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS), WeChat, Docker Compose, Auth0, ACL, Grunt, Gulp, Apache Airflow, 亚马逊虚拟私有云(VPC), Kafka Streams




PostgreSQL, Amazon S3 (AWS S3), PostgreSQL 10, NoSQL, MongoDB, Amazon DynamoDB, Redshift


Web MVC, Payment APIs, ESLint, Back-end, APIs, Integration, Integration Testing, Web Development, API Integration, RESTful Microservices, PayPal, WeChat Pay, Apple Pay, TypeORM, Lambda Functions, CI/CD Pipelines, Amazon RDS, Kubernetes运营(kOps), DocumentDB, 人工智能(AI)


Kubernetes, Docker, Firebase, AppsFlyer, 亚马逊网络服务(AWS), Amazon, Apache Kafka, AWS Lambda

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