Braian罗伯茨, 设计师 in 布宜诺斯艾利斯,阿根廷
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雇佣 Braian


验证专家  in 设计



Braian is a UX/UI designer with a background in art direction, 插图, and motion graphics and 10+ years of professional experience. He has worked in ticketing and streaming platforms as well as 电子商务 sites and mobile apps for dating, 医学, 安全, 和游戏. Braian helps companies achieve their goals through flexibility in the UX/UI process and a user-centered design approach.



艺术总监 & 首席UX UI设计师

  • Led a team of four UX/UI designers in their daily responsibilities, reviewing projects and giving feedback.
  • 设计ed the entire UX/UI for a dating app MVP (benchmarking, 用户流, wireflows, 风格的瓷砖, UI和原型, 演示动画, file handling with dev team).
  • Helped the CEO to clarify product strengths and reduce weaknesses.
  • Redesigned the entire UX and UI of a ticketing platform to become mobile-first, finding and solving pain points to increase traffic and conversions.
  • Gave insights about strategies to perform better on Google searches.
  • Updated the entire UX and UI of an adult content streaming platform.
  • Suggested a move to mobile-first design. 2019年,83.7% of all Pornhub traffic was mobile. The tendency has been growing steadily since its launch.
  • 设计ed the entire UX and UI for a fashion clothing 电子商务 MVP.
  • Drove innovation to create an experience that makes the user feel as if they were finding and combining high-end streetwear labels as if they were A-list stylists.
  • Suggested strategies to the company's CEO to better engage their audience on Instagram.
  • 设计ed the entire UX and UI for a software development firm corporate website.
  • Did 2D and 3D 插图s and animations.
  • Worked on an update of the entire UI, a badge system for user ranking, and animations in Lottie for a mobile game.
技术:3ds Max, 原则, Adobe After Effects, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, InVision, 草图, Figma


2012 - 2016
  • Established the company in 2013. Bachicha offers 2D-3D 插图 and animation to worldwide agencies, 品牌, 和导演, 将想法变为现实, from sketches to final products, 跨多个平台.
  • Art directed, designed, illustrated, and animated for off-line and online advertising campaigns. Built spots and activations on YouTube pre-roll ads, Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, TV, and OOH.
  • 设计ed many hi-fidelity sketches for 3D mobile game concepts (UI and game graphics).
  • 设计ed UX/UI, 插图s, and animated demos for a medical tech company.
  • 设计ed the identity and visual guidelines of illustrated and animated characters for an augmented reality mobile app.
  • Led branding design and visual identity projects for startups and established companies.
Technologies: 草图, 融合, 3ds Max, Adobe After Effects, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator


2007 - 2012
  • Worked with big advertising agencies like Young and Rubicam, 麦肯, 和危险, which didn't have their own resources to create high-quality concepts through 2D and 3D design.
  • Involved in the generation and design of creative, 有趣的, and strategic ideas for on/offline campaigns (static and animated).
  • 设计ed and produced web collateral, email campaigns, and social media (static and animated).
  • 设计ed brand identities and oversaw brand development.
技术:3ds Max, Adobe After Effects, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator
2014 - 2015

设计硕士学位 & 业务

CMD - Centro Metropolitano de Diseño - 布宜诺斯艾利斯,阿根廷

2012 - 2013

Master's Degree in Creativity in Advertising

Underground, Escuela de Creativos Publicitarios - 布宜诺斯艾利斯,阿根廷

2004 - 2011

Bachelor's Degree in Graphic 设计

Universidad de Buenos Aires - 布宜诺斯艾利斯,阿根廷


Figma, 草图, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe After Effects, 3ds Max, InVision, 原则


iOS, 安卓, 网络


健康, 体育, 医疗保健, 时尚, 健康 & 健康、安全


用户界面(UI), 插图, 动画, 品牌, 用户体验(UX), 三维艺术, 应用程序用户界面, 应用用户体验, 融合, 基因组学, DNA测序, 体育 & 体育运动, 培训, 数据科学, 用户界面设计, 咨询, 职业生涯辅导, 响应设计, 数码插图, 数字服务, 视觉设计, 移动支付, 交友应用, 兼容性测试, 网上约会, 响应用户界面, 登陆页面, 电子商务, 服装, 趋势, 界面设计, 线框图, 原型设计, 草图, iPhone, 应用程序, 数字治疗(DTx), 图标设计, 图标动画, 三维动画, 软件开发, 隐私, 加密, 培训 & 培训 Content Development



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